Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas

We had a beautiful Tennessee Christmas with family from Kansas and snow!!!! How often we wish for snow, but we rarely receive snow on Christmas day. We had a nice relaxed breakfast and took our time enjoying each other. Siena had a great time although she wasn't too interested in opening presents. She preferred walking around with her new things. Her most played with gift is probably a broom or a stroller. Once again, this little one doesn't sit still so a book is too stationary to her tastes. We shared Christmas dinner with friends and family and our home and waist bands were bursting at the seam with food and joy. We pray you created your own family memories to last you the whole year through. More importantly, we hope you remember that a young girl accepted the invitation by God 2000 years ago to carry a baby that would take away the sins of the world and give us all a chance at life eternal. May we all be so eager to accept God's invitations for our lives.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Favorite Time of the Year

Halloween is every parent's favorite time of the year to show off their little snuggle bug. Halloween was busy but so much fun. We attended our church's annual Hoedown after church. Most of the games and activities were for the older kids but Siena had fun with the bubbles and sandbox. As usual, she stopped people in their tracks with her adorable smile and quick feet. Following an afternoon of games dressed as a ballerina, we did a costume change and Siena became a duck while trick-or-treating with our dear friends, the Hamricks. Gabriel was Elmo and the twin girls, Kaelyn & Kinsleigh, were little piggies. Their street looked like a barnyard. Siena couldn't speak but that didn't stop her from running up to doors and banging on the screen doors. She acquired quite a bit of candy for her first time out. It was such a memorable day - don't you wish every day was Halloween!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Exploration Never Ends

Every day is a new adventure for Siena. She has such a joyful attitude and is always on the move. She comes running to the door when it opens and she can't wait to get outside. I hate to tell her winter will be here soon. We had a few days of snuggling together after her latest vaccinations, but it didn't last long and she was off and running once more. She is branching out with her diet to eating more finger foods and sharing them with Milo! Siena got her first baby doll that is the perfect size for toting around; she is all girl. Siena has enjoyed a trip to the pumpkin patch/petting zoo this month and a handful of playdates with children in her age group.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Siena's First Birthday

The first year of a baby's life is full of joy, love and wonder. So much hope filled with so many firsts of new life experiences. But as so many times in our life, it must come to a close. Our baby's first year is gone. It can only be found in the photo album, scrapbooks and our fond memories, but it flew by just as everyone predicted. As a typical celebration in the United States, we gathered with friends and family to join baby Siena in her first bite of birthday cake and ice cream. Afterwards, as most children, she was overwhelmed with wonderful presents and hugs from loved ones. No sugar rush was noted but a good time was had by all.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Camping over Labor Day Weekend

Siena embarked on her first camping trip this past weekend at 11 months. We headed to Fall Creek Falls in Middle Tennessee with about 12 friends from church and their kids and dogs. We camped old school with tents, lanterns, cast iron skillets, camp fires and smores. Siena did amazing, never complained, slept by the campfire and had fun with everyone with both 2 and 4 legs. Our friend's 17 month old, Sam, kept Siena entertained with her toys and company. We enjoyed hiking and games around the fire at all hours. We hope to go again since our little girl was such a trooper. So far, there is nothing she hasn't been able to conquer. And her walk has speed up to a quick walk. Watch out, Siena will run you down!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Exploration Continues

Siena is nearing the 11 month mark and nothing is stopping her. She spends her days wandering around the house, opening doors, picking up shoes, staring out the windows and playing tug of war with the dogs. She doesn't cause too much trouble and is learning to turn around when she hears the word, "No." Her smile is infectious, especially as her top and bottom teeth are starting to peek through. Siena has even enjoyed her new toothbrush and that nightly routine. Books are taking on a whole new excitement now that she has learned to turn the pages and to pull the books off the bookshelf. Siena has enjoyed a summer full of swimming, family, chasing after the dogs, and playing in the grass.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Walking Captured

Here is proof caught on video of Siena walking on her own. And with this new found freedom, come more joys around our home. And the dogs love to help or hinder her from exploring. Stay tuned!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Siena Walks

We are so proud to share that Siena has started walking. She took her first steps last week to Mommy before she turned 10 months old. And she is not content to just walk, she wants to carry things with her like bowls, spoons and more.
She continues to explore the house and find new things every day. She is fascinated by the refrigerator and the dishwasher. Bath time is a blast since she now loves to play with her toys in the tub. She is paying more attention to the books that we read her and flipping the pages. No words besides "da-da" to report but she love to squeal in delight.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

9 Month Milestone

Siena is a super active little girl who is into everything. I don't know if we can still call her a baby. She loves getting into every place that we prefer her not to be; in the refrigerator, around the toilet, close to the one step we have in the house. She enjoys playing with Milo and his cow, and he can always bring a smile to her face, even first thing in the morning.

She has been swimming three times this season and she loves the water and splashing the top of the water. I think we have another fish in the family.

She is a petite little girl and she has gotten some great use out of her clothes because of it. She is growing but at her own rate. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A New Baby

Since Siena started crawling on May 26th, we have had a new baby on our hands. She is not content to sit in her exersaucer or her Johnny Jumper. She enjoys playing on the floor with anything and everything from paper to Milo. Nothing is safe and my work load has been cut in half. Her last weigh in had her at 15 lbs although she is still wearing 3-6 months clothes. She is growing but at the "Knoll" rate.

Siena got to travel to Kansas to see her grandparents over Memorial Day weekend. I think she enjoyed herself; I know they enjoyed her. Then we took a weekend trip to the Smoky Mountains and enjoyed some downtime with just the family and a few friends. She has also learned to pull up so she was showing off for the other babies on our trip. She is still a VERY happy baby and sleeps through the night. We couldn't ask for a better little girl and we consider ourselves very blessed to have a healthy, happy, beautiful girl.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Our First Vacation

With Siena of course. The Knolls like to travel so we weren't about to sit this year out just because we have a new addition to the family. So off we went to Savannah, GA where we explored the city in a trolley car and took a haunted history walking tour, a must since this is the most haunted city in the US. We strolled along the River Street and through the city squares, stuffing ourselves full of good food, including Paula Deen's cuisine. Our mini companion rarely complained and was happy to sit in her stroller, until dinner came to the table.

Then on to Charleston, named for King Charles II. So many exquisite houses throughout the years and shops to see and Siena wasn't the one to keep us from seeing them all but time and money. We visited the Citadel, Ft. Sumter and the aircraft carrier Yorktown with Grandma Knoll and her family from the south. Of course, no trip to the South is complete without some beach time. Siena got her first taste of the ocean but we may have to wait for warmer days for swim lessons.

Our last stop was to introduce Siena to her oldest living relative on Angela's side of the family, her great, great aunt in western South Carolina. We returned home to a dry home, unlike so many people in the middle Tennessee area after history making rainfall on our drive home. We were so blessed to have a week together, a safe trip and our warm home to return to.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Siena at 6 months

Our little girl brings us so much joy every day. She is such a content baby and travels with us everywhere including dinners, meetings and she sometimes sits through Daddy's bible studies. She is quite the roller and jumper. I feel she will take on some athletic talents. She may turn orange soon if she doesn't learn to accept some of those green colored vegetables we are attempting to serve her. She has found Milo and is very interested in watching him move and petting him. And yes, she is teething but a pacifier keeps her satisfied. Enjoy the pictures by our good friend, Kelsey Bufkin, taken just before her 6 month birthday.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March Madness

Siena is doing great and advancing as all the books foretold. She will be 6 months this week. She rolls over frequently and has taken on baby food. She is a big fan of carrots and always offers a smile to anyone who will pay attention. Grandpa & Grandma Gashaw came for a visit and we lost Uncle Dave this month. He moved into a historical house downtown but we are confident he will be back often to check on his niece.