Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10 Years = A Decade to Remember

Most of my blogs revolve around Siena because let's face it; she's cute, adorable, doing new things and that's why I started this blog. But Siena wouldn't be here without Kurt or myself. We dated for 5 years as high school sweethearts before walking down the aisle (Today that doesn't sound like much, but it really is, even in high school years). We had a plan that we prayed about and seemed practical for our lives; go to PA school in Wichita, move to Tennessee to go to recording industry program at MTSU, both get our careers on track, backpack across Europe, buy a house, have a family. We have been able to accomplish these with God's blessing over the years, but that doesn't mean we didn't have our little surprises along the way. What I think is more amazing than all of these is continuing to be content in the person God put in my life. I still depend on Kurt for everything; he is my emotional support, my encourager and my best friend. He loves all that I am and has stood beside me through all that I have fallen short of. I don't know what the next 10 years look like but I know that with such an amazing man by my side, I can face tomorrow with a smile.


  1. What a great post! Happy anniversary!!! (And your letter is coming soon!)

  2. Kurt + Angela = Awesome! Congratulations! Love you guys...
