Saturday, August 15, 2015

Things They are a Changin'

All of life is change - that is the make up of life, the composition of our days, the challenges and the sweetnesswe experience is in the changes.  Yet we fight it so much, because we are scared of the unknown and we are scared that the new might not be as good as the "right now".  Sometimes that is true but most of the time, we are pleasantly surprised and we have a hard time remembering how life "use to be". 

Life has changed so much for us in just a few short weeks, both big and small.  These 'world-travellers' have not been out of the 'Boro since Thanksgiving so we took a weekend trip to Memphis to visit some old small group friends that we meet our first month in Tennessee.  Fast forward 12 years, both couples have 3 kids and successful careers with God guiding each family.  So we had a great time catching up, swimming and Siena learned to kayak in their pool.  How quickly they pick things up!

 Watch our playful kids in action!  The more I watch them, the more I realize they truly get their energy from their Dad.  Watch Out World!  There are three of them!!
Dave started a new adventure that called for change and he moved to Colorado at the first of the month.  We got use to having him here for breakfast and bike rides.  He knew our kids so well and they adored their Uncle Dave.  I am saddened they don't get the privilege of seeing him as frequently, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for Dave in the Rockies.  

We dedicated our 3rd baby to the Lord on Sunday, August 2nd, meaning that we, the parents, are choosing to raise her in a Godly home with Godly instruction.  Dr. George Jackson gave the prayer over Allegra, or more of an encouragement to keep doing what we have been doing; I guess somewhere along the way, we must have gotten something right.  

Somewhere along the way, our 1st baby grew up and her preschool years are over.  Luckily she isn't loading up the U-haul like Dave, but she has choosen to go to public school just down the road at Black Fox Elementary.  Her teacher, Mrs. Crews' is very sweet and adores our little girl.  We can't draw too many conclusions after the first week except that Carson & I miss her terribly while she is away.  

Allegra is growing and changing daily.  She really is the sweetest, happiest, easiest baby.  One friend who joined us for dinner watched us put her down and said, "That's it?!?!"  Yup, she is that cooperative.  When she smiles, she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue.  She looks like BOTH of her siblings (Can you guess which one she is in the above pictures?) and she is happy to go anywhere as long as she can face out and have a clean diaper.  Not only is she 4 months old, but she has now rolled over.

Thank you for keeping up with our family and please keep us in your prayers as life here continues to change on a daily basis.  We feel incredibly blessed to have one another and we strive to take things slow in order to watch and appreciate these beautiful blossoms unfold around us. 

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