Our little girl turned 4 months old, and she continues to be a joy in our house. Siena's smiles are more frequent as is her laughter. She has discovered her fingers and especially her thumb. She doesn't cry when she wakes up but starts chatting away. She is such a happy baby!
We set up her jumper which is a special car and she truly enjoys her time in there. She rolled over from her stomach to her back Jan. 26th but hasn't repeated it since. We have introduced cereal into her diet, but she hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. Siena will sit still for her Dad whenever he puts her on his lap whether he is eating or reading. We are amazed at how that tiny newborn who could sleep anywhere and rarely opened her eyes is now learning something new every time she wakes up.
Awesome! I couldn't get any of the videos to work though.